The margin of the Thames at Oxford

By Renato

The River Thames is the river that runs through London, Oxford, Wallingford, Reading, Henley-on-Thames, Marlow, Maidenhead, Eton, Windsor. With 346 km of extension is the cleanerest  river of the world that crossing a great metropolis. The River Runs near the village of Kemble in the Cotswolds and flows into the North Sea.

On the River we have more than 100 bridges, 12 of them are in the city of London, like Tower Bridge and London Bridge. Was widely used by the trade route in England and today is widely used as a transport of people and to celebrate the arrival of spring, every year the best rowers of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge dispute the competition in the waters of the historic river .

In the Oxford Region, the river is narrower than in London, it has a more natural edge with fewer buildings. The River gives a special charm to the city of Oxford and is widely used for small boats, paddle and punting training. It is also much used to stroll along its shores and enchant with the beauty that only nature can offer. I made this way on a Monday out of Oxford Castle and lasted about two hours (1.3km), because I went very slowly, enjoying the scenery and taking some photos.

It’s a great part-time program for a sunny day in Oxford.

This entry was posted in Oxford, Parques

Viajar é conhecer lugares diferentes. Nossa proposta não é apenas viajar para os locais, é ir além. É passar um período maior, interagir com as pessoas da cidade e sentir a cultura e o dia a dia de cada local. Da lista de países que conheci, optei por morar em alguns lugares para vivenciar a experiência com mais profundidade e poder compartilhar com mais detalhes e exatidão além de descobrir os segredos de cada local, não se limitando aos pontos turísticos mais famosos.

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