Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford has more than half a million objects

By Renato
Museu Pitt Rivers
South Parks RoadOxford - Oxfordshire (UK) (OX1 3PP)
Phone: 01865-270927
Price: Free
Opening Times:
Tu,Su 10:00-16:30
Mo 12:00-16:30
Museu Pitt Rivers

Pitt Rivers is a museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, founded in 1884 when General Pitt Rivers donated his collection of archaeological and anthropological objects to Oxford University. This year the museum already had more than 26 thousand objects. Today the Museum has more than half a million objects scattered throughout its three galleries, that is, for as long as you stay in this museum, it will be impossible to see all objects calmly. Objects are “heaped up” separated by type of object (musical instruments, weapons, masks, tools, toys, manunscripts, etc.), and it is easy to identify how different people solved the same problems in similar or sometimes very different ways. This museum is practically together with the Oxford Natural History Museum, you can often “get lost” between the two Museums

What will you find in this Museum?

What struck me most in this museum is the amount of small objects and the evolution of each of them, according to the region of the planet and the need of each people. In addition to a huge collection the museum always has alternative exhibits, it is worth taking a look at the schedule before making your visit. Below is a list of some incredible objects found in the Museum, as well as an Audio Guide to help you better understand each area in the museum. You can also download the museum map to help you walk through the museum.

Challenge at the Oxford Museum

The Pitt Rivers has a giant collection of objects, and to find every detail you need to be very careful and observe every corner of the Museum. Therefore, we challenge our readers to find 5 objects related to Brazil in the museum. If you find it, take a photo and send it to us, or comment below the news. Come on, the objects of this challenge are:

  1. Dancers made in Brazil with pieces of insects
  2. A hat worn by Carmem Miranda
  3. 2-meter Spear of Brazilian Indians
  4. A figure of a Brazilian playing Berimbau
  5. Cocar dos Indios Brasileiros


Viajar é conhecer lugares diferentes. Nossa proposta não é apenas viajar para os locais, é ir além. É passar um período maior, interagir com as pessoas da cidade e sentir a cultura e o dia a dia de cada local. Da lista de países que conheci, optei por morar em alguns lugares para vivenciar a experiência com mais profundidade e poder compartilhar com mais detalhes e exatidão além de descobrir os segredos de cada local, não se limitando aos pontos turísticos mais famosos.

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