The City of Oxford Illuminated by the Moon

By Renato

Oxford City was the birthplace of many famous stories and films, Lewis Carroll lived and studied for many years in Oxford and there inspired Alice in Wonderland, JRR Tolkien lived a large part of his days in the city, including this one  buried in the city and was inspired by the region, which wrote the Lord of the Rings.

J. K. Rowling describes with great delight the schools and classrooms of Harry Potter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which are very similar to Oxford schools.

Walking through the streets and alleys of Oxford is practically strolling through the 18th and 19th centuries … It’s amazing the feeling of being in a period film, with all the details. The Moon brings a magical illusion and illuminates the already yellowed walls of Oxford with an incredible and compelling tone forming contrasts that drives our imagination to madness.

Check our clicks on a day when the huge moon illuminated Oxford and comment on what you found and what your feeling.


Radcliffe Square is one of the most beautiful spots in the city, the Radcliffe Library is round and full of details, in this picture, next to the Church of the Virgin Mary offers a mixture of medieval and contemporary with Gothic towers. It is a wonderful place during the day and it becomes magical with the brightness of the Moon.


Escaping a little from Oxford’s Gothic architecture, the Sheldonian Theater was built between 1664 and 1669 and features a “D” format based on the Theater of Marcellus in Rome in the first century. Illuminated by the moon is even more impressive

In this beautiful photo illuminated by the brightness of the Moon, the Sheldonian Theater divides space with the side of Clarendon Buildin, a neoclassical building built between 1711 and 1715 initially with the printers of the publisher, now a library.

In addition to the Moon, the Street Illumination strikes a striking contrast to the city’s architecture and makes the roads more inspiring. In this photo, the front of Clarendon Building and Oxford Martin College.


“The Bridge of Sighs” (Hertford Bridge) is a road linking two parts of Hertford College at New College Lane in Oxford.


The Victorian Gothic Martyrs memorial was completed in 1843 and represents the Bishop of Worcester Hugh Latimer and the Bishop of London Nicholas Ridley, who were burned for having been convicted of heresy because of their Protestant beliefs. The Gothic details and their shape look wonderful in the moonlight.

Oxford illuminated by the Moon

Oxford undoubtedly is a city that impresses and puts us inside scenes of films. All the city streets are inspiring, and gives us a unique feel. some photos of buildings in the city that inspired some of my clicks.


Viajar é conhecer lugares diferentes. Nossa proposta não é apenas viajar para os locais, é ir além. É passar um período maior, interagir com as pessoas da cidade e sentir a cultura e o dia a dia de cada local. Da lista de países que conheci, optei por morar em alguns lugares para vivenciar a experiência com mais profundidade e poder compartilhar com mais detalhes e exatidão além de descobrir os segredos de cada local, não se limitando aos pontos turísticos mais famosos.

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